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Video Playlist on Protesting Property Taxes


Ranking property taxes by state property tax rank 2023 State Business Tax Climate Index

Did property taxes take a huge jump for you this year? They did for almost everyone. At Texas Pride Realty Group we are setting up a Property Tax Protest service. Over the next few months we will be doing seminars and sessions on how you can protest your taxes.  

If you need assistance with property tax protests please let me know. Assessed values are going way up as the market itself climbs. We want to help you keep your home affordable to own.

We compare Assessed Value, not Current Comps
We compare Square Footage comps, Exemptions, Lots Sizes, Accessory Units, Pools and more.
We look at the number of Rental Units and Vacant Homes in the neighborhood
We review your homes Previous Year Assessments.
We help you account for Deficiencies and items that need repairs.  We give you a list of ideas to consider. 

If you're looking to sell your home in the next 12 months, let us help you come up with the best strategy to keep your property taxes low, so you can have a benefit for the buyer.


Thank you for your business.  We hope the information helps you with your property tax protest.  We can NOT guarantee you will be successful with your protest.  Please let us know the results of your protest.